Friday, July 20, 2007

..High risk of rip currents today along the shore of Lake Erie...

For those of us who are on shore, it is a superbly glorious day with temps in the low seventies, sunshine, breezes and clouds. This is a gift from the weather fairies in the midst of what has been a hot and humid summer. I hope it lasts for the weekend.

The rip current image is from NOAA.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Escher World

Just thinking about my walk yesterday from my office at Midwestern University. My office is on the third floor of building 1. I walked directly over the pedestrian bridge and wound up on the second floor of building 2. I went down to the first floor of building 2 and walked across the Quad straight onto the third floor of building 3. Ground level did not change. This is one of the wonders of working at a venerable institution where the buildings have been potchked together over the years.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Celebrate Butter Tart Day

I missed recognizing Canada Day (July 1) but did not want Butter Tart Day (July 10) to pass without a mention. Butter tarts are a Canadian delicacy of uncertain derivation. There are also a multitude of different opinions about the proper ingredients - raisins or currents or neither; maple syrup or brown sugar; nuts or plain. I am a purist and prefer them without nuts or raisins.

Here is a link to the discussion, "What makes a great butter tart?" and a recipe from the